суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

evandale fair

Dang is this sad.� I feel like Iapos;m being stabbed.� Strait through the heart-for no good reason.� Just because I fell in love with the wrong man-this humman.� Heapos;s always been there for me before.� Now why canapos;t he just save my life once more.� Ripping me up- Throwing me out.� He is the hardest thing to live without.� He hurts me and yet I fall more in love.� He tells me that upon this balcance beam I must cross over it without falling.� Yet he knows that Iapos;m clumsy and most likely will fall.� In that fall-The end of all.� So across this balance beam I will crawl.� It may take more time but in the end.� I will hopefully be the one to win.� To win your heart would be the greatest gift of all.� So I will try my hardest not to fall.� Despite the others who want me to loose.� I will not submit to theyapos;re foolish koos.� I will hold on tight as the strong winds blow.� So maybe the next night I will not be alone.� And possibly the one who holds and comforts me to sleep.� Will be the one I love; you.� And be mine to keep.
Forever and For always.
Yours only,
Cheyenne Zachow

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When Bella opened her eyes the first thing she became aware of was how easy it was to see. She had seen before, but this felt different. Like she was seeing with her mind, and other senses that were far beyond the reach of anything else, and more than feeling strange, it felt amazing. As if she were breathing, and she didnapos;t even need the air.

Her fingers curled against the smoothness of the covers on the bed and she sat up quickly, so much so that her hair flew around her face in a dark, soft wave.

I donapos;t have to ask where Edward is. I can feel it.

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f e a r game

Here is an important question; why am i watching scary movies alone? this is nicht a good idea

also i am getting my tattoo done earlier than expected its on tuesday afternoon instead of Friday morning im soooo excited

thse two things combined mean i had completely forgotten about my job

waking us this morning was really horrible. I was dreaming (i am a lucid dreamer) about my boss telling me i hadnt got the job. And the interview panel ppl were telling me i was unsuccesful because i was too young and inexperienced and although i was a fast learner i had alot to learn and that would hinder me leading the organisation through the upcoming trials...

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counter revolutionary warfare

Wahlao. Had my first dance class today.
the teacher is freaking called RYAN.
damn cool and handsome.
and you know what i realised?
my hand leg and mind coordination is ZERO?
itapos;s like the minute i remember the hand part
i lost my footing. Wth.
eh but the short dance i can do very well sia.
only the footwork and the spinning around dance i cannot.
canapos;t wait for next friday
i bet chokky and pauline also cannot wait sia

and omg. I made pauline feel damn gulity today..
right pauline?

hello lyn, i miss youuuuuuuuu

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

electric morph gallery

Five dream�drinking buddies (iving)

1- Eugene Hutz from Gogol Bordello
2-�All of Old Crow Medicine Show, especially Willie Watson and Ketch Secor
3- The staff of "Reason" magazine (especially after reading their live debate�commentary.)
4-Lisa Rose Weaver (ex-war correspondents HAVE�to drink.)
5- Prof. Morgan from CCAC (I�see him not drinking, or talking sports while drunk. Nevertheless, the risk must be taken.)

Chuck Kinder is not included because I�drank bourbon in his house already, bitches

Many more that I�have not listed, of course.

In political news:
Fuck John McCain
Fuck Barrack Obama
Fuck Sarah Palin
Fuck Joe Biden

That is all.

P.S. Sort of fuck�Bob�Barr.

P.P.S. Michael Moynihan, apos;I donapos;t know who won, but America surely lost."

P.P.S. I�have a blogger crush (ewww, it makes me sad to write that, I�am sorry) on Radley Balko from "Reason." He made a Joe Strummer reference in the live snark commentary, has other fine taste in music, helped get Corey Maye off death row, though he is still sadly live in prisonapos;d, and writes a sweet blog called The Agitator which is full of moral outrage about the drug war and other good things.

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bag bingo

THANKS for the msgapos;s in my previous post.
[i really dont feel good so im not replying to each one seperatly]

ive just been discharged from hospital due to an OD.
i was there since 12noon and its now 10pm.
my mums bitching about it and how i have NO reason to be suicidal or anything like that which she can tell.

the hospital said:
i have to go talk to my local doctor to discuss everything and whats happening etc etc.
and i start therapy on the 23rd.
[just means my mum will have to deal with me missing class each week.

i have a bitch of a headache and pizza and a bed to get into leave me nice things please <3

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

curious george party jumper

It seems like my hair is working against me as of late. Every time I want the fucker to grow it just hangs out in this freaking ridicules lifeless form on my head and refuses to grow or style. I almost cut it last night when I had a 5 minute tantrum fit in the bathroom (tantrum fits always make me feel better)lucky Steve took the scissors away and put them some place way out of reach i.e on top of the fridge, like I canapos;t see them there. I just want long mermaid hair.

For a while I had been thinking about small food -- as in "Look at me, I am a GIANT" small food. My plans included Brussels sprouts, little dinner rolls, and itty bitty pies. I have a small muffin pan with shallow, curved shapes that I thought would be good for the shape (the standard 5" small pie tin was considered but voted too large). I also tried some mini pies in regular muffin tins.

I used the standard refrigerated Pillsbury pie crusts, and cut out round shapes using a biscuit cutter and some cups from around the kitchen. I winged some apple and blueberry pie filling based on some basic recipes -- I didnapos;t measure anything just threw in a little bit of sugar, a tiny bit of lemon zest, and a dash of cinnamon (when I decide to wing it things rarely work out, but this time they did) Today for lunch Iapos;m enjoying my look at me Iapos;m a giant person eating a ridiculously small pie.

Life has become too freakin complicated.

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celin dian

Jag har internet
Dissar det lokala telefonbolagets svindyra internet och skaffade DNA Mokkula som jag v�grar tro funkar 100-igt all the fucking time, men hittills har det funkat helt okej. Hade dock evinnerliga problem med installationen och tillbringade 15 minuter i telefon med Toni p� DNA kundsupport. Jej. Han spelade musik f�r mig.

Har bott i stan i en vecka nu och trivs j�ttebra. Har inga problem med n�gonting, f�rutom m�jligtvis det att jag lider av att inte ha egen tv�ttmaskin. Man blir l�tt bortsk�md med det, s�ger jag bara... Och idag var jag p� jobbintervju p� stadsbibban. Det var mitt livs f�rsta jobbintervju och det gick nog helt bra, men det fanns tillf�llen d� jag gr�t inombords och t�nkte febrilt "jag vill hem h�rifr�n jag vill hem hem hem jag vill inte vara h�r VAD VAR FR�GAN RIKTIGT, JAG FATTAR INTE". Ack ja.

Har varit en God Syster idag och haft min lillasyster h�r.�K�pte f�rsenad f�delsedagspresent �t henne (hon fyllde i maj), det blev ett par jeans, en massa par sockor och ett par skor. Samt mat p� Amarillo. Det blev p� det stora hela mycket mer �n vad jag t�nkt mig, men jag t�nkte att hon f�rtj�nar det. Hon �r s� duktig, och den enda syrran jag har. N�r v�rdadefar h�mtade henne efter jobbet var vi till n�gra m�belaff�rer och kollade hyllor, jag beh�ver n�gonting att l�gga mina filmer i.

Nu ska jag tv�tta mig och sedan s� sm�ningom bege mig till mina k�ra farf�r�ldrar. Det kommer Top Model ikv�ll och jag har fortfarande inte orkat bry mig om att ta digiboxen hit (f�r att inte tala om antennsladden) s� jag bjuder in mig sj�lv till farf�r�ldrarna f�r att glo p� TV.

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воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

book holder for treadmill

Well im going to start off saying how depressed i am right now but i wont tell you why just yet, Iapos;m Gonna Quinten Terrintino this journal.� I�studied all week for the philosophies test and when i finally took it i felt pretty comfortable with it and think i did pretty decent for�a test with no multiple choice and alot of essay questions. I�studied just as much for my History Test thursday which i found out i got an 80 on.� Not the best but i was none the less happy and thankful for what i got.� So much stress but i finally got to see my beloved on friday which i was absolutley wonderful because it was a week before i even got to see her. I love her so much and i would do anything for her.� I was actually planning on seeing her today and hanging out with her all day but i series of unfortunate events kept us from seein each other today.� I woke up around 12 and took a shower, afterwards sat in my room checking my e-mails when my dad came in.� I knew something was wrong so i asked him and he told me that things were going to get pretty ugly. So i feel extremley tired and i want to go back to sleep but i think my parents are getting a divorce. I feel no emotion or need to express this to a internet journal. I feel so shitty right now im just gonna end this blog

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