Five dream�drinking buddies (iving)
1- Eugene Hutz from Gogol Bordello
2-�All of Old Crow Medicine Show, especially Willie Watson and Ketch Secor
3- The staff of "Reason" magazine (especially after reading their live debate�commentary.)
4-Lisa Rose Weaver (ex-war correspondents HAVE�to drink.)
5- Prof. Morgan from CCAC (I�see him not drinking, or talking sports while drunk. Nevertheless, the risk must be taken.)
Chuck Kinder is not included because I�drank bourbon in his house already, bitches
Many more that I�have not listed, of course.
In political news:
Fuck John McCain
Fuck Barrack Obama
Fuck Sarah Palin
Fuck Joe Biden
That is all.
P.S. Sort of fuck�Bob�Barr.
P.P.S. Michael Moynihan, apos;I donapos;t know who won, but America surely lost."
P.P.S. I�have a blogger crush (ewww, it makes me sad to write that, I�am sorry) on Radley Balko from "Reason." He made a Joe Strummer reference in the live snark commentary, has other fine taste in music, helped get Corey Maye off death row, though he is still sadly live in prisonapos;d, and writes a sweet blog called The Agitator which is full of moral outrage about the drug war and other good things.
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